Last day

Today is our last day in St Ives and to be honest, for the last couple of weeks our life has been pretty much 'normal'. My human has had her hair cut, she's been out to a restaurant and she's met up outside with lots of friends for walks, wine and BBQs. …............And she hasn't had to queue at any shops!!! Which is exactly what she'd normally be doing.

BUT, tomorrow we go back to our other home. And this one will be rented out until the end of September at least. If any of you fancy a little holiday in St Ives at the end of the year you can check it out here.

Anyway, today has been all about cleaning, interspersed with my walks. Ann's trying to keep sand out of the house so I had my last walk on the beach yesterday evening. It was absolutely beautiful. The sunset was amazing. We are so lucky to have a fabulous beach just 5 mins down the hill.

However, the trouble with living so close to the beach is that there's always sand in the house. Ann hoovered this afternoon and washed all the floors and then I went for my walk (no where near the beach) and when we got home there was sand in the house again. How? Why? Obviously she's going to hoover again in the morning but with everyone being extra paranoid re Covid-19, if visitors see a grain of sand they'll probably think that nothing has been cleaned properly.

My human is ranting a bit now isn't she?...............................

To get back to BLIP..................... Here I am up Trencrom Hill with Ann's friends Charlotte & Margaret. We met them for a walk and very nice it was too. I love going on my walks in new places. The humans had one scary moment when I jumped over a stile and went into a field of cows. I went running off to see them, but actually when I got close up to them they looked a bit big so when Ann shouted, 'Trixie come', I came. Phew!

So that's been our day. Walks & cleaning. It doesn't get any more exciting than that?! Lol!!!

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