East Coasting

By OzBeachcomber

Some improvement.

Beautiful early morning at the beach today - this is Turners Beach again and it is a lot cleaner than a few days ago on the 30th January when I took this shot of a flood damaged beach Turners Beach after the flood
Apparently there was no debris left yesterday after the clean up so this lot must have been washed in on the incoming tide either last night or earlier this morning. It's not too bad though and we had a lovely early morning walk.
The clean up at Convent Beach is still underway and has a long way to go although they have made progress. This was it on the 29th January Convent Beach after the flood
and this is is now taken this morning. Convent Beach cleanup still in progress The rocks area in the foreground is now free of debris - it was completely covered but there is still a huge amount on the beach and the rocks at the far end.

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