
By Houseonahill6

Splashing around

A great show from the dolphins this morning and we had them to ourselves which was a special treat. The reason being they were around on a falling tide rather than a rising tide so we were lucky.I had looked through the telescope and had spotted a few so down we went.
The tide was a fair way out , the sky looked dramatic with heavy clouds.It was nice and warm with no wind.We stayed for about an hour before heading for Cromarty to pick up some tartan face masks from Eco venture.Bought lunch from the Church Street Cafe, a hot dog with crispy onions.We sat along the front watching the seagulls keen to eat anyone’s sandwiches etc.
A baby goat and a new calf to the cow that seems to have been pregnant for ages at Cannon Hall Farm today. We’ve booked tickets to go on the 26th July :))

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