Afternoon with Granny and Grandpa

We had a total lack of planning about today, and decided that an afternoon at Burghley would be nice, although we knew we might also be sharing the idea with many others. 

Granny and Grandpa joined us, which was lovely.  The boys were soooo happy and someone snuggled up to Grandpa when we stopped for a drink and biscuit. 

Husband and I both got out for a run this morning, which is a bit of an achievement in our house.  I drove up to the local wood and it was really nice exploring at a slightly faster pace than when we go there with the boys.  

Today I'm grateful for: 
Starting to get back into running (I really, really need it). 
Managing to deceive the boys that the veggie burgers we had this evening were proper burgers - they went down very well! 
Working with a former boss (who is doing some work for me), who is being brilliant and managing difficult politics very well - despite my technically being on holiday, we've sorted a few things out this evening. 

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