By lizzie_birkett

Chill Out Day

It's been a day of very mixed weather. Warm, cold, dry, wet, hot, cold, wet, dry. I put the garden chair cushions out and brought them back in twice then gave up. Bella has been in, out, in, out and in.
I've had my warm hoodie and leggings on, then shorts and T-shirt, then leggings, T-shirt and hoodie. Now cosy jammies!

We both spent some time reading our books. Frank - Lord of the Rings, me - Sea of Memories by Fiona Valpy. I'm only on chapter 2 but already really enjoying it.
After lunch I cut out more patchwork squares - I love the quirky cat fabric. (extra)

I came up with an idea for better seating on the boat. At present we have a small high table and 2 fold up bar chairs. I told Frank of my idea to make 2 high boxes attached to the wall with lids on and removable cushions on top. This would also create more storage for things like art stuff and my sewing machine and any other hobby equipment. Easy peasy! He's considering it...;-]

Now we're going to watch a DVD.

;-) X

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