Long Day

Possibly the most frustrating day I’ve had in a long while, certainly one of the longest.
A 9:30 start at the rugby club as we knew there was a lot on, Josh and I prepared a wiring harness to take into the roof space, Dave, another one of the Thursday Gang drilled the required holes through wall & facia and at last after eighteen months I was finally going to finish the clubs exterior lights but it was not to be.
Instead I converted an empty 45 gallon oil drum into a BBQ with stainless steel mesh racks for the coals and food and a frame built from angle iron to hold it. We then lit an ordinary fire in it to burn it out ready for food cooking.
Cleaned up, everything away and home for a rushed dinner of pizza with coleslaw before heading back to the Rugby Club to cook forty burgers and forty sausages for the players and coaches following training.
A few beers afterwards and Josh and I finally headed home just after midnight, a little over twelve hours at the club today.

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