New normal

Raining when I got up and Hetty didn’t want to go down to the river so we just walked around the village and got wet. Waitrose shop today and also thought we would go into town for a coffee. Nero are serving coffee in takeaway cups and food in bags, don’t know why when we were sitting in, plus set up for toilet was odd. Oxfam book shop was open and the only person not socially distancing was one member of staff that actually walked in front of my husband to take a book from the section he was looking at. Managed to get everything on my list at Waitrose and Holland and Barrett. Bought some nice masks at Seasalt. Felt OK with masks and gloves on but not willing to pop into shops just to look round. Week three of our running program after lunch and then took Hetty out for a walk. We often walk past this field and never seen sheep in it before.

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