Hot out

We had an oil delivery today so got on and did some cleaning while waiting. Very productive morning, plus baked a cake. The oil is delivered at the front of the house and goes through the house and under the garden to the oil tank. Hubby always drains this pipe after the tanker has gone as he doesn’t like the idea of oil sitting inside the house and he always gets people walking past stopping and asking what he is doing, I think it’s the silly way he dresses while doing this job.
We went for a walk we have not done for a while, over a year as Hetty has never done it. The fields are so green and lots of sheep and then just before crossing the river we spotted the horses so went over to say hello. This one was very friendly and came over to me and was very willing to let me take a few pictures and give him a stroke.
We were out an hour and half and it was so hot, Hetty drank lots of water down at the river and I drank lots when we got back, didn’t think to take any with us.
Lawn cut by hubby and I cooked dinner. Quite a good day.

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