My childhood home

I went back to yesterday’s elusive geocache and despite me getting into the douit it still eludes me. The owner has disabled it and will check whether it is missing or if the last two seekers are just incompetent.
I took the bus to get to ground zero and passed my childhood home so snapped a photograph. You can’t easily see over the wall when walking so despite it not being a particularly good pic I liked it.
There are 3 mock Georgian houses in what used to be our garden. It was a lovely south facing garden surrounded on three sides by granite walls.
The house was built by a New Zealand sea captain who used the mast of his ship in the kitchen. A very basic kitchen that had an old range; which I never saw used,  but no running water. There was a sink with cold tap in the scullery. 
The lounge and dining room had big windows but they made the house very cold even in summer because the New Zealand man overlooked the fact that a north facing house will get no sun in the northern hemisphere.
When I was 5 the landlord had electricity installed (previously we only had gas) and a bathroom. The bathroom had a bath in it with a gas geyser (the only hot water in the house until mum and dad moved out in the 1970s) but no wash hand basin or toilet.
The toilet lived in the white outhouse you can see in the photograph. Not very pleasant at any time because the cistern always seemed to leak. Or maybe the males in the household had a bad aim!
But that was how housing in Guernsey was back then.l

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