
By Madchickenwoman

Familiar Place

I'm back after an unintended blip break! I'd been behind posting by about 4 days for a considerable time and hadn't been keeping up with others Journals and just sort of slid into not blipping at all! 
So in the last few weeks I have seen my kitchen finished! The last month was the most stressful of all the months it has taken! Being so close to the finish and yet having delays just saw me finally getting fed up! When the electrician failed to turn up to do the lighting under the shelves I lost it! Once again I heard nothing from him the previous day, the actual day nor days after! I was fuming and sent him an email! He kept the next date and I'm very happy with the lighting! I'm now still in the process of moving things into the kitchen - it's taking longer than when I moved everything out! Once I have finished moving in I will show you a photo of it!
I have also had the small roof over my bathroom replaced and the bathroom window has gone in after sitting in my hallway since February! Now my back yard is being done! All my plants have been moved to the front garden and to my neighbours empty back yard! The fencing has been half replaced and now the rendering of the walls is being done. Hopefully by the end of the week the laying of the paving will start! But it will take another 2 weeks for everything to be finished! At the moment I am standing on my back step and aiming water from a house pipe at all my plants next door!
In September/October my hallway is being done! Walls and ceiling replastered and wooden staircase sanded and oiled - goodbye to the carpet I've hated since it was laid over 10 years ago! well I hope it will be then as apparently there is a shortage of plaster! As plaster doesn't have a long shelf life and production in France stopped there is none to be had for love nor money! Well unless you are prepared to pay silly money on ebay! 

Todays blip is Cotehele House where  I had an unexpectedly early morning wet walk! It started fine and it was a pleasant walk along the river then up through the woods to the house. Just as we got to the  house there were a few drops that turned into a deluge that caught me and the other dog walkers I met by surprise! None of us had wet weather gear! It was running down my face  and I had to keep  wiping water from my glasses! Oscar didn't mind the rain as we were walking with a group with 4 dogs and he was just happy following them! However when we reached the weir he just stood and watched them as they ran into the water! No way was he joining them! 

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