
I post pictures on another site each day and they have a daily competition.
Normally I use an image from my files depending on the subject. However, I wasn't going to trawl through goodness only knows how many files to find what is not a 'tagged' subject.
The subject was 'Zoom Burst' - so I slapped the long zoom on my wee camera and pointed it at the pond through the window (I wasn't going out in the torrential rain) and zoomed from wide to long during the exposure.
This was the first shot.
I tried some others but they weren't too great and were deleted. The last one (in the extras) was maybe a bit too extreme.

The weather has been hellish today - high winds, horrendous rain and so dark that there has been a side lamp on in the livingroom all day.

I went over to 'help' The Cygnet do some more putting together of the wooden box he got for his birthday. That killed some time.

During a period of lighter monsoon I went out the the garage 
It wasn't the most successful time at the lathe but at least I hadn't set out to do anything big or use expensive wood.
SWMBO phoned me to say that there was a pot of tea made (she wasn't coming out in THAT weather!). She refused to call out the Lifeboat to rescue me and told me that she had suggested I get kitted out in full wet weather gear before going out.

Hopefully the weather will be better tomorrow.

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