I don’t like the ice…

Hello Everyone,

Slow start to today but ended up at the workshop around 12 noon. 
I’ve been trying to work out where to put everything in the small space I have been given, it is quite a challenge but seem to have made progress. More thinking and moving of stuff will happen for sure.

The old lathe I got with the shaping machine I have managed to identify. I know it was made by Myford but did not know if it was a 2,3, or 4 anyway it is a 2 which means it was manufactured between 1930 and 1941. So, the plan for tomorrow is to cover it all up and place it under the bench and save it for a future restoration project. It only has a value of a couple of hundred pounds so I might as well save it for a rainy day. 

I will then focus on getting the shaping machine restored whilst I wait another month or so for a new lathe to arrive. I am not sure I can get the shaping machine done in a month, but I should be able to make some good progress.

The photo is of an ice hockey puck… 

Stay happy, strong, and healthy… more tomorrow.


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