Day 13 Florence to Montecatini

Florence to Montecatini Terme. One of our bonus days due to flight cancellations. We cycled 39 miles in rising heat across the flat lands between Florence and Pisa. Along urban cycleways through Prato and the pretty medieval centre of Pistoia - an area known for its plant nurseries. We saw rows of umbrella pines, cypress trees, and loads of other trees. People’s gardens around this area were lovely too. The medieval town of Pistoia was very pretty and we took it in turns to visit the various attractions- not leaving the bikes alone. After lunch - pizza!, we cycled on to the strange little thermal town of Montecatini. The town has a faded feel that it used to be grand once, but the  Terme Tettuccio was worth 6 Euros to wander around it's crumbling beauty , see extra. Our last night in Italy.

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