By lizzie_birkett

West to East for MIND

These 2 wonderful people came past our mooring this morning. I asked if I could take a photo and they asked that I share it as they are raising money for the Mental Health organisation MIND. They set off from Liverpool last Sunday and were already in Skipton this morning.
Here's the link should anyone wish to donate a £ or 2 or more!

Today we've had beautiful blue sky and sunshine and (a bit too much) heat! We went into town so I could pick up the bag of Oatly Barista I left in that shop yesterday. We were desperate for a decent coffee as we had to have tea this morning. I don't like tea first thing, that's a mid morning beverage as far as we're concerned!

We had a visit from Eddie (the sign painter with the fancy van)
and had a socially distanced cuppa outside. Bella was so excited to see him.
She is all better today by the way and has eaten her dinner ravenously tonight and also had an outdoor shower and didn't try to run away.

Not much else done today apart from giving the mooring garden a good soaking.
Click and Collect tomorrow morning then back to the house for a few days to see to that garden too!

Enjoy the rest of the weekend! :-) X

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