Dappled Path

The day began for me with lots of dead heading as directed by Monty Don on last night's Gardener's World, so the garden reeled as I approached with my clippers!  Washing went in the machine then it was time to move things around the kitchen cupboards when our new Tefal fryer arrived and wouldn't fit in the space of the old, broken one.  Opening kitchen cupboards is never a good idea because then you notice that something has leaked and that jar of marmalade is three years out of date and that old horrendous biscuit tin right at the back which you haven't used in years, still has a half empty packet of ginger snaps in it.

So you have to remove everything, then you have to wipe down the shelves, then you notice the doors need cleaning and when you pull out the chair to stand on it to reach the top shelves, the chair is dusty and sticky from when you moved it whilst making breakfast.  Then you get down on the floor to put things back on the bottom shelf and notice the kickboards are grubby, and the floor could do with a mop.........Suddenly it's lunchtime, where did that morning go?  And where are all the tubs which you have all those lids for???

Tony disappeared up to the allotment after lunch so I had a very short wander up to the moor and back in the heat of the day, then did my half hour workout in the heat of the day.  Just time to jump in the shower, wash hair and head out to Hannah's to HAVE OUR HAIR CUT!!

Hannah's 'salon' is in her purpose built shed in their garden on the top of the hill and it was pure delight to sit (me in my mask, she in her shield) and enjoy the view and a good old chat, just the two of us till it was time for Tony to come in from the car for his turn.  What a difference having an outing and doing something 'normal' makes to the day!

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