Start of a yawn

Thanks so much for the lovely comments, stars and heart on yesterday's 3000th blip! I'm having a bit of a hard time keeping up these days, but I'll try to respond to the comments. I'd like to have posted a better photo, but at least it was rust!
The truck with this dog in it passed me on the hill down to Fulford. The dog had his head out the window and craned his neck to look back at me. I hoped that the driver might be heading to Rock Salt for coffee. My lucky day! The truck was parked at the Merc, the driver was gone, and the window was open. I wanted to have a conversation with the dog but apparently I bored him, because he had a huge yawn in the middle of my sentence. I thanked him for letting me take its picture.
3rd extra: the second of two discarded masks that I spotted on my walk. Why, people??

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