Tux in the sun

"Bliss was it in that garden to be alive/ But to be an ageing puss was very heaven."

I had a lovely run up to Hutton Roof, this morning, which was a real relief as I struggled on last week's long run (I think I was a little under the weather, actually). 

I got back in time to see Abi before she went off to work and recorded the radio show just before Charlie and Dan arrived home from camping trips, Charlie over in Millom and Dan up near Rydal. 

And with all my jobs done, that set us up for a relaxing afternoon in the garden, enjoying the sun. Nearly always when we sit outside, Tux will come and join us. He's getting on a bit now and it's sad to see him looking up at chairs, ready to jump, only to decide he won't make it. He looks a little 'creaky' sometimes.

Still, he's happy enough as far as I can tell. The meds to counter his hyperactive thyroid are working well and he has returned to a normal, healthy appetite. So while younger cats might have been out hunting or fraternising with their chums, Tux hung out with us, the low wall acting as a surrogate bough as he dreamt his wild cat dreams.

-9.0 kgs

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