Make Every Day Memorable

By Jorgiesmum

This current heatwave has resulted in overnight temps of 20 degrees in some areas of the UK 
Here they seem to be hovering about 16 deg and with no breeze, sleeping is almost impossible.
The last few days I have had no energy but have staggered across the lane to see what I could find in the field.
I have seen so few butterflies this year. Even on the buddleias which are now past their best.
However, these small blues, along with the meadow browns, love the mix of wild flowers and grasses in Jo's field.

This evening we went out for dinner with friends at a local pub, taking advantage of the 50% discount being offered Mon -Weds on the ‘Eat out to help out scheme’
Luckily we were able to have a table outside where the air was slightly less hot!

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