Paused Shielding - Day 13

Being such a hot and humid night, I sat out in the garden until gone midnight last night, listening to the rumbling thunder and watching the distant lightning, but despite an Amber Weather Warning, the storm never actually reached us. What did arrive though was our resident hedgehog! A very grainy photo taken in the dark in the very early hours of this morning has been disguised with an arty farty abstract app. (Two alternatives in extras, will leave you to choose your fave.)

A complete Groundhog Day, though with some heavy showers and slightly cooler, the thermometer said 26 degrees, but with the added humidity it felt like 31 degrees (according to the BBC app). I’d planned a quiet day but that wasn’t to be and my day has been taken up sorting problems for one person/animal or another (back to the vet again tomorrow, Toff hasn’t eaten for two days). This evening we’ve a Yellow Weather Warning for thunderstorms and overnight the humidity is set to rise to 97%.

Take care, stay safe, well, and cool...

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