Electronic Ears on the Pod!

I am delighted to say that I actually have a few regular listeners to the radio show, people who actually tune in voluntarily (as opposed to the audience of Cando FM, who have it thrust upon them) and from time to time they have asked me whether I couldn't make the show available as a podcast.

I did look into the PRS implications of this a couple of years ago and went as far as ringing them to try and ascertain the price of a licence to cover the music I'd use for the podcast - the radio show itself being covered by Cando FM's licence - but frankly they were no help.

However, my eldest daughter, Charlie, does a podcast with a friend of hers called 'One Book. One Film. One Song' and we were chatting about this on Monday when she told me how easy it was to set the podcast up, which it actually is once someone is kind enough to help you! So, I went back to the PRS site, found the details of the new(?) 'Limited Online Music Licence', paid my dues, and felt I was good to go. You can find the 'Electronic Ears' podcast on Spotify and Apple's Podcast app. 

This has led to a couple of conversations on Twitter, including one with my erstwhile bandmate, Chris Brian. I haven't seen him for, blimey, over thirty years but we are in touch from time to time, and he occasionally sends me links to things he's done. He was always a fantastic drummer but he's become a great songwriter, too. And producer. And video maker. Phew!

This evening, he sent me the YouTube link to his latest song and video, 'The Same Old', which is about his dad's family. It might not be the kind of music I typically listen to but, hand on my heart, I love everything about it. 

And, you know, I used to write a lot of lyrics when I was younger but on the occasions I've tried over the last few years, it's not something that comes to me anymore* so I'm also particularly impressed by Chris's words and these lines actually made me well up a little:

And Flo brought all of them up down there at Kemys Place
She never saw the face
Of Roger’s girl he wanted her to see
But she would want you to know that she’s so proud of you
And everything you do

*I can hear Dom's voice telling me that's because I'm not trying!

-9.8 kgs
Reading: 'I Am Not Your Baby Mother' by Candice Brathwaite

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