Edward Scissor Hands ? ......

Another day of various things.
The drainers here cleaning ditches again. They repaired the water pipe from yesterday and buried it deeper where it crosses the ditch so hopefully it will be safe in any future ditch cleaning.
Took Littlemiss with me next door for a 2 bike rodeo to get 2 Hereford x calved heifers in. The first one has 2 blind teats out of 4, so if we need a calf to twin on we will lift hers off her. The second was firing on all 4 cylinders , just the calf hadn’t sucked them all so shut her inside for a day or two as well.
Went down the road to check cattle after lunch, once the cloud and damp had cleared. Checked the winter barley that is still to cut but it was still at 19.5-20 % moisture, so will leave it until tomorrow and check again.
Back home and had to go next door for another 2 bike rodeo to get a heifer in that needed calving. A big bull calf when we eventually pulled it out.
Back home and went away to scatter the grass I mowed last night. Finished by 7.30 so went for a dog plod with the family. Was fine until I was sure I could here a combine working somewhere , which just upset me , as we aren’t cutting and someone else is !
The grass tedder silhouetted tonight reminded me of the film Edward Scissor Hands. Or maybe harvest nerves are getting to me !

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