
An overcast Sunday with a uniform gray sky and just a "smirr" of rain drops.

I am working on a series of "cutaway" drawings which I plan as part of an exhibition for next year in Edinburgh.

Cutaway drawings might be fondly remembered by readers of The Eagle Comic which featured a double spread full colour drawing each issue during the 50s.

A collection of these was published in The Eagle Annual of The Cutaways which was published in 2008.

A thoughtful friend gave me a copy. (See extra). My copy is "mint" and the worn appearance of the cover is "faux" and is a part of the design.

The second book in the extra is about a railway engineer; Oliver Bulleid.

This leads back to the main Blipfoto which is a full size 3D cutaway of the C1 Locomotive displayed in National Railway Museum. The engineer was Oliver Bulleid.

I particularly like the design of the driving wheels which is a composition of many circles.

"Boys" and "Girls" of all ages find these drawings and models fascinating.

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