
By KatesGardenPDX

Hot Sunday

But not quite as hot as forecast - clouds moved in this afternoon and we actually had a quick sprinkle, adding to the mugginess.  But it never did hit 101F...93F I think, thank goodness!

We took our usual Sunday morning walk in the Arboretum much earlier this morning before it got too hot. And I spent a lovely afternoon at my co-grandmother's with the grandchildren in her pool. Pure joy! These days are so precious and the children are a delight. Someday I'll get a good portrait of them to share. 

Meanwhile, a midday stroll found a lot of pollinators in the garden....many bees in particular, flitting about doing their bee buzzy-ness. Another color of Osteospermum today - I do love these plants. This one attended to by a bee.

Hope you've all had lovely weekends....onto another week tomorrow!

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