Misty Morning

I managed to find a couple of wet webs to photograph first thing, but nothing brilliant. They look a bit better in black and white in my opinion.
No1 - A nice curve.
No 2 - nearly a bullseye.

I was surprised to see the waterlily was open - and even more to see the tiny Grinch dancing on the berry wearing a mawashi.

There was a wet feather on the drive that I couldn't resist so after taking some shots 'in situ' I took it inside and took a load of pictures gradually getting closer and closer until they were getting a bit abstract. I stopped with it started getting a bot silly.

I had just finished making breakfast (just tea and toasted crumpets) and putting down SWMBO's when I realised that there were rather unpleasant sounds coming from upstairs. SWMBO was trying to be sick.
Nothing to do with my cooking last night - it is the damned weather.
Once again the heavy pressure was taking its toll on her and she had been in bed sleeping all day.
It has been a hellish (non) summer for her.
We need a major lottery win so we can bugger off to St Lucia or St Kitts.

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