By lizzie_birkett

The Great Yorkshire Sewing Bee!

I finished the second dress late last night and have worn it all day - it's comfy to wear.
We didn't go to the boat after all as it was bucketing it down this morning.
Instead I tidied and cleaned the living room which made me feel good. I emptied two drawers in my china/bureau cabinet and put all the most used sewing stuff in them so I don't have to keep running upstairs for things (I got rid of stuff in the process!)
I then felt happy enough to start something new. I've got this gorgeous book that my eldest daughter Melanie bought me a few years ago. I traced a pattern that I've been wanting to try for ages and cut out the paper tracing. I don't have suitable fabric for the dress so will have to have a look in Boyes in Skipton or the Fent Fabric Shop. I also fancy making a kimono dressing gown and have some lovely fabric for that. Frank also wants to try his hand at sewing something and I just happened to have a pattern for mens pyjama bottoms so he can look for some fabric too.  It will be like a sewing bee here!
Eventually this sewing frenzy will run its course and I will move onto something else. I do go through phases where I get a bit obsessed with one thing or another and I can feel knitting needles poking me and telling me to knit and also my ukulele is next to me on the couch begging me to strum it!

The weather faired up this afternoon so we both took Bella walkies.

Sue phoned to say the sewing machine from ebay arrived and it's in really good condition and she really likes it. Thank heavens!

Time for a bit of telly - though I don't know if we'll find anything worth watching! If not it will be bed and book time.

Goodnight :-)X

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