Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

More Helping Out

Up early this morning to take Archie to the doggie crèche. We were interested to see his reaction when he realised where he was. He was so excited to get in that he barked at the gate when it wasn’t opened straight away. All good. The staff member said he’d hung back a bit last week, and just watched the goings on, but that’s not unusual on a first visit. We had a lovely day sans chien, (nice to hear the doorbell ring without hysterical barking) although we kept wondering what he was up to.

Christine (JR’s gym pal) came round to walk into town with JR, while I got the bus in - they’re fast walkers.  We were going for lunch again - Eating Out to Help Out (third time this week for JR). 

And what a super lunch we had too. No muzak, though a large table of very yelly folk, fortunately at the other end of the room. We all enjoyed the meal (JR and I had roast fillet of salmon with salsa verde and heritage potatoes, Christine had chicken schnitzel and fries), though no desserts were taken. 

The others walked home, but I headed back along George Street to go for a soya flat white in Prêt. And of course, I passed Lakeland, so popped in for supplies of licorice. My bus arrived after I’d had my coffee.

The day started off in haar, again, we could hardly see the road when we drove Archie to his crèche, but it cleared up later. The Meadows looked great in the mist, and I actually walked down to take a photo, but by the time I got there it wasn’t as thick as I’d anticipated. I was surprised at the number of folk out jogging, stretching and exercising.

Archie is snoring. Eyebrows twitching. Dreaming of the fun day he had. Probably.

No idea what this flower is, but it has popped up in the back garden.

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