Making herself cosy!!!

Amber has a new bed for the kitchen which she moved to the lounge with a couple of other items. She was looking after me:0)

A much better night. Woke about 4.30 for a short while, then slept until 8.30, .....bliss!!! B did the call to the surgery at 8am and booked a telephone consultation for me with one of the nurse practitioners.

Whilst waiting for that call I rang Leicester to check that my follow-up appointment will be with them. Yes, they don’t have a date yet, but it will follow.

I tried to ring the vascular surgery department locally that I spoke to yesterday. No joy, the number just rang out!!!! I cancelled the telephone consultation that they were offering me in in a text for September.

The nurse rang, new cardiac meds ordered on repeat prescription. I was able to get the details of the other nurse who referred me on the 2 week wait pathway and potentially saved my life!!! 

Enough excitement for one morning whilst sat on the settee, I slept for over an hour, then had a bacon and mushroom roll for lunch...delicious. I think that my sense of taste has almost completely returned.

The post had arrived bearing a copy of a letter from a different local vascular surgeon to a cardiac surgeon at the hospital in Leicester. It beggars belief......I feel like an unnecessary ‘pass the parcel’

Out came the laptop again. Letter to the new cardiac surgeon to say that I’ve already been sorted, giving my Leicester hospital details for him to check. Copies of the letter to the referrer, the gastroenterologist and my GP. 

What a saga.

A spent a little while in the potting shed cutting down the tomato plants ....therapeutic!!! 

Do I get brownie points for perseverance? 

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