Car park ...

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I sat in the car in this C/P on the Titsey Estate reading my book. I've had such a frustrating day . First I went to Valley Park a retail outlet in Croydon ,as I wanted to go to Next only to find it had closed in the past months ( must say I hadn't been there since December 2019) . They have a really large Boots there so I went to get some capsules I needed , no joy with that either . So from home and back it was a good hour and a half wasted. I had a cuppa then about 2pm I went to Sainsbury's for a small shop. Feeling really fed - up I drove on to this C/P ( blipped) . It was just nice to be in the air listening to Classic FM and reading. Returning home about 5pm.
I had a long'ish phone call from daughter up north, her middle daughter is going to live with her sister in Bristol , flying down next Friday. Do hope she's doing the right thing , still suppose she needs to try these thing for herself.
KJD face timed me to say good night as they are off to Greece tomorrow for 2+ weeks and the funeral on Thursday.
I shall really miss them both , just to know they're near is a comfort, but they both deserve this break and they'll be in good weather for a bit longer , it's certainly been wild today.
Stay safe everyone

Grateful ..... for the car at least I was able to get out.

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