
By Mindseye

Disappointing day

......absolutely lousy weather, after a lousy nights sleep! The rain woke me up several times during the night.,

Drove over to meet sis this morning, in the rain, this was the view on our top road early this morning...ominous!

We popped into Ashton, called in the arcade, then the indoor market, masks on and off!!! Bought a couple of new ones too. See if these are any less warm! Had to take my coat off in Sainsburys I was so warm, then my glasses, as they kept steaming up!

We had lunch in Costa, just a coffee and bacon roll.....have to say it was bedlam in there, so many kids being allowed to run around and the noise was unbearable, no consideration for other customers! We left pretty sharpish, both with headaches :-/

The drive home was pretty horrendous! Got to the bottom of the brew when I left sis's, a tree had come down across the T-junction where I wanted to turn right....managed to get by.

Wind, rain and spray on the motorway was awful, luckily it wasnt too busy.....got home within the hour so not too bad considering.

Dinner tonight was courtesy of sis, a chicken bacon and mushroom pie, we had it with half a jacket potato, green beans and brocolli.

Got a packed lunch almost together, just need to make a sandwch in the morning, for an outing tomorrow with friends. The weather forecast is for cloud, but a predominantly dry day, so fingers crossed.

Dont think we will be late to bed tonight....still raining just know, but the wind has died down quite a bit thankfully.

Hope,you are all safe and well.

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