Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Come rain or shine

Here I sit, watching the snowflakes falling, contemplating the every day stuff. I drift away for a few seconds following one snow flake, it's twisting and turning journey from cloud to ground unnoticed amongst the rest.....oh how we can all feel like that!

I snuggle down into chair and coat the same, enjoying my own warmth. The child like joy running through my mind at the sight of the delicate snow, it is what it is so why not be happy about it!

It gets me to does nearly everything....we talk about the weather alot and what it means to our daily lives, but what choice do we have.....I mean....just get on with's not like there's someone you can put in a formal complaint to! The whole of life is like that I think...change what you with what you can't!

Anyway, another day, more wonderful stuff, come rain or shine (or snow) be prepared to see all the good stuff, deal with the rubbish stuff and give it all you can....enjoy it..... be IT!


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