
By ayearinthelife

Mirror, Mirror

This is Mum’s passenger side mirror. On our last visit I’d noticed the cover was missing and asked her what had happened. Apparently, “someone” had “knocked it off”
Judging by some other damage I noticed on that side of the car I’m more inclined to say that for “someone” read “mum” and for “knocked it off” read “hit something when reversing”
Whatever, a new cover was required to stop water getting in to the electrical bits and stopping the mirror from adjusting. I headed down to the Fiat dealer, only to discover they’d closed down during lockdown and the next nearest was 30 odd miles away. Looking online, I found that a colour matched one would be £80+ but a plain black pattern one could be had for a tenner.
Given her obvious propensity for knocking off the edges of her car, it was a no brainer to order up a couple of plain black ones so at least both sides would now match. They arrived within a couple of days and I came down today to fit them. Only just in time as well - the previously only lightly scratched drivers mirror was now bearing more distinct scars!
Pretty straightforward replacement and car looks considerably better. And I’ve kept a note of where I ordered them from because I can’t help but think that a repeat order may be required on a regular basis.
One day, we’ll have to have the “should you still be driving” conversation, but I’m not brave / foolish enough to get into that particular argument whilst Covid is still about, as she insists she only feels safe using her own car for shopping and other appointments.
As long as damage is restricted to scuffs and scrapes, I think we can let sleeping dogs lie for a little while longer.

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