
By ayearinthelife

This Old House

There had obviously been a scarecrow festival in the village where my mum lives and I spotted a really good one yesterday - a burglar climbing over a gate being attacked by a dog. Unfortunately, it must have been the last day as when I went back to photograph it today, all the scarecrows had pretty much disappeared.
So, on to Plan B - try and find one of the ones that were left that looked worthy of being a blip subject. Due to the horrendous rain, I didn’t want to venture too far, but I did spot this one still in place at a house I knew very well. I only lived there for a couple of years but it was my parents home for over 40 years. I actually got very closely reacquainted with the house during 2019 as I handled the sale of it for my mum and had to arrange for it to be cleared and her remaining possessions moved to my sister’s house (just across the road!) where she was going to live. The whole procedure was only just completed before lockdown, but that did at least mean the new owners had a good six months to settle in without having mum keeping on wandering across the road to offer “helpful advice” about how to run their new home (she had definitely threatened to do this!)
Looks like they’ve settled in anyhow. New gate in evidence and though I think they were planning to build an extension, no signs of this as yet. Obviously didn’t want to hang around outside for too long in case I was spotted taking photos, but was pleased to see they looked settled and had joined in with village activities.
I know they are quite a young family so hope they have as long and as happy a time in the house as we did. Judging by the smile on the scarecrow, at least someone is pleased to be there!

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