
It was a nice morning so I took the camera into the garden after feeding the birds.  There were lots of bees around and I managed to snap one or two.

The rest of the morning was taken up with some WRAP work.

After lunch the rain started.  I gave it a while but it didn't ease off much so I donned my mac and went out for a wet walk.  Just a quick walk to Anne Hattaway's and back.  I didn't get the camera out again.

Yesterday was difficult blip-wise.  It was well into the evening and I didnt have a photo, actually I did take one in Stratford but it was rubbish.  I had no inspiration or inclination for another picture, I almost didn't bother posting anything, after a continuous run of over 3000 blips!  Eventually I decided to blip the baby tomatoes, not one of my better efforts, but it did the job.  I think it's to do with lockdown, or semi-lockdown and the fact going anywhere is quite an effort, and worry, these days.  Maybe that's why I enjoy taking pictures in the garden where it's safe!  Having said that we are going somewhere blipworthy tomorrow.

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