
We went over to Worcester to see our grandson Raffy, and his mum, Emma, of course. We were there early and decided to have a look around and get a spot of lunch first.  Worcester is a very interesting city with lots of independent shops and cafes, as well as the usual suspects.  If we were ever to leave Stratford this place would be high on the list of possible destinations. 

We checked out a couple of vegan places, and BTP before discovering a Turkish restaurant called Elgar's, which included a picture of the famous composer on its sign.  The thing that attracted the place to us was the fact that the tables were outside whilst still being under the arcades roof.

After lunch, coffee called.  We had passed a very colourful Columbian Coffee shop, see extras, but decided to try out Method, a cafe under the railway arches near the University.  Ann was not impressed with her cappuccino,  my Americano was fine, but then I'm not so fussy.

We finally arrived at Emma's and spent the rest of the afternoon making a fuss of the baby, and Luna.

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