
By ayearinthelife

If You Want Blood (You’ve Got It)

Time for the annual extraction of blood in anticipation of the Diabetes review. Should have had an interim one in January but I was on such a cocktail of painkillers due to a back injury, I thought it might skew the results somewhat!
Normally the annual review is at the beginning of June so I suppose only three months late isn’t too bad in these times. Obviously the doctors surgery was a bit different. Wear a mask at all times, ring the bell for admittance and then wait in the newly socially distanced waiting area. Much reduced numbers of people waiting and no magazines to read, of course. The only “entertainment” was the information screen which was just showing a rather depressing succession of messages about what to do if you think you’ve got coronavirus.
Thankfully, once in with the nurse it all felt a lot more normal. Apart from her wearing a mask, the rest of her PPE was only what would normally be worn. Weight and blood pressure recorded, blood extracted and feet checked. Everything in order as far as the nurse was concerned but I’ll have to wait for the results to come back from the lab to see how the blood sugars are doing. Appointment - telephone - with the diabetic nurse duly booked for the follow up next week.

Somewhat worryingly, the telephone appointment to discuss the test results has been brought forward to tomorrow. Either I’m doing very well so there is no need for an in depth discussion next week, or they’ve found something they don’t like. No doubt all will become clear tomorrow.

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