
By ayearinthelife


Regular subscribers will recall that a change of car for Mrs C has been on the cards for a little while now (see Blips of 11th & 15th August for details).
After deciding to keep my bike, we let the salesman know that it was now a straightforward deal for Mrs C - she gets a new car, trades in her existing one and my only involvement is to hand over the cash!
They finally managed to get the proposed new vehicle to the local dealer last Friday and we duly undertook a test drive. Mrs C declares herself delighted within the first few hundred yards and thus the deal was as good as done. I’ve known Jonathan, the salesman, for many years so we waited a further week until he returned from holiday rather than do the handover with someone else.
Duly turned up at the dealership this afternoon. Delighted there had been a couple of changes in showroom etiquette - not only could we now be offered a coffee, but we could take our masks off whilst seated (maintaining social distance of course!) to do the paperwork. Just made it all seem a lot more “normal” - definitely more pleasurable.
It used to be you’d get flowers, wine or chocolates when buying a new car, but obviously this isn’t possible these days. Instead we got a voucher to choose something from the BMW range of gifts - golf brollies, posh pens, drinks bottles, etc. No need to choose today as voucher valid for six months.
Big change for Mrs C with some of the controls as this model is the generation after her old one. I’m sure she’ll soon get to grips with it though. No problem for me, as it’s the same controls as my 420. Mind you, it might be a while before I actually get to drive it!

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