
By Farmerboab

Wishful thinking....

Over half an inch of rain last night, so not a lot of harvest activity today.
The drainers nearly finished so they took their tanker and drain jetter away home- only a 2 hour drive by tractor . They left Jake behind on the digger to tidy up and finish backfilling all the holes- hopefully !
Had to go next door to calve another heifer, another big Angus bull calf. Mother not too keen to stay in the shed but hopefully she will calm down if left alone !
Brought some more calves in to tag but started a new batch of brass ear tags and some of them didn’t close properly so will need to phone the supplier and see what they can do about it.
The contractor in cutting hedges round the fields that are going into winter barley and also up the farm yard. Once he had had his coffee and a catch up I headed next door to jump start the combine and fill it up with diesel . Now all we need is for some dry weather and nothing to break down on the first turn round the field- not much chance of either !

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