
By ayearinthelife

The Drugs Don’t Work

Or, to put it another way, the reason they don’t work is because they’re working too well!
At the end of my blip on 3rd September I noted that I had just had a slightly worrying call from the doctor’s surgery saying the Diabetic Nurse wanted to speak to me “urgently”, following the results of the tests on the blood they had taken that morning!
After a fairly fraught evening and following morning, she duly got in touch. And it was good news - phew! It seems my efforts during lockdown at reducing my blood sugar have been very successful - so much so, that I needed to halve my intake of one of the meds I’m on or I could run the risk of a hypo! I mentioned that I’d spent the last twenty hours panicking about what could be wrong, and she did have the grace to apologise and say she should perhaps have worded it differently when asking the receptionist to get in touch with me to arrange the “urgent” appointment.
I’m not yet in the “Diabetes in remission” category, but I’m well on the way. We agreed to leave it three months, take more bloods and see if the sugar levels remain low. If so, more meds may be able to be dispensed with.
So, today I only had one of these pills instead of the two I’ve been on for the last few years. To be honest, I don’t feel any different, though I am aware that I need to continue to be careful with my diet - it would be very easy to think “everything’s fine” and dive into a trough of cake and biscuits, which would no doubt set me right back at square one!
Not sure where that leaves me in the Covid risk category now, but it’s got to be lower than it was at the start of the pandemic!

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