Miles for refugees

Perhaps it's my age but there are some conversations that I can no longer be bothered to have. One of those involves whether we should accept refugees into this country. If you don't think we should, I'm simply not interested in talking to you about it. (Or, probably and by extension, anything else.)

My eldest daughter, Charlie, has been very involved in raising money for refugees in Calais and, a couple of months ago, spent a fortnight there - along with another of my daughters, Milly - helping out in the camp. I am very, very proud of her. 

This month, the British Red Cross is running a campaign called 'Miles for Refugees' and Milly, another of my daughters, Hannah, and I are each running 108 miles during September, which is the distance from Calais to London. (If you felt so moved, you can donate here.)

Today was my first run, which I did from the office, going out along the river to Sedgwick and then back along the old canal. Happily, when they filled in the canal, they didn't take down the bridges so we are left with the joyful and surreal sight of a bridge in the middle of a field :-)

-9.8 kgs
'The Vanishing Half' by Brit Bennett

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