Farewell Family!

It's been special having these unexpected days...A lovely last half day - Dad's classic roast chicken lunch, Eton mess courtesy of the girls and Grandmaman, church livestream, silly selfies with Han etc etc...
We met up with Claire at Birmingham Airport which was lovely - we were booked on the same flight home. It was three quarters empty! Another smooth flying experience and we were back in Ibiza over half an hour ahead of schedule. Wonderful to be reunited with Danny and Nate. Nate's most excited about his new trainers Han went and chose him (as I couldn't leave the house!) and spent the rest of the evening running up and down the flat in them...they're right next to his bed now!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Mom and Dad having us and looking after us so well these past few days.
2) Asha and Luce having new lovely memories from this weekend together.
3) Safe travel home.

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