
Or two steps forward, one step back
Or is it one step forward two steps back...

There's progress and there's new stress today.

Twas ever thus, but tis very especially thus recently.

I spent the night on the sofa under a coat so I could try to get some sleep. Richard was struggling with a bad headache and feeling feverish and throwing himself around. After a crumb of sleep, I managed to get Tess back to school - where she coped well but said her legs ached when we walked home.

Richard began to bounce back around lunchtime today. So that's the virus nailed for him.
He's weak and coughing, but eating and moving around and being reasonable company again.
Unfortunately he also had 2 nosebleeds today even though he didn't break any of the rules about what he's not supposed to be doing (so he says)

Joel came home complaining that his eye sockets ached, and I have a persistent cough so we're waiting to see which one of us will go down next.

With this general malaise and Richard's operation recovery we simply can't do or plan to do anything for a while. It's frustrating, but mostly I'm just worried about Richard.

I was desperately looking for signs of spring today. I was hoping it would make me feel positive. I've been determined all day to fight the gloom with attitude and positive thinking. I even decided that if I was getting ill again I could deal with it. But upbeat doesn't trump nosebleeds and a shocking cough unfortunately.

Let's see what tomorrow brings.

Onwards and onwards.

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