
Things are so flipping awful I can hardly bring myself to write anything tonight.

Richard has caught the virus Tess has been suffering from, so feels truly crap on top of crap. He's really poorly. This is such bad timing. This morning I was pretty worried and thought I would have to call the doctor, but as he explained his symptoms I realised it sounded more like Tess's virus than anything to do with the operation. He's hardly moved all day, has been complaining of a massive headache and weak limbs and now says he feels sick.

Tess is finally better, but it's not much help really because I'm too exhausted and busy to chase around after a well person. Just thinking about getting her back to school tomorrow is too much right now.

I'm trying to remember to keep up with Richard's painkillers and antibiotics and check he has drinks and let him know I'm here for him but I can't do anything else for him right now other than keep the home ticking over.

We're absolutely stuffed if I get this virus.

I feel like crying but there's no time for that.

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