Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

I love tulips

I didn't used to like tulips much. I think it was seeing them planted individually or in strict rows in some gardens that put me off. In recent years I am a convert and love them.

It's snowed today and is not really suitable for the first walk outside for Arth so we stayed indoors. My friend, L, came with good cheer. She would have brought homemade soup, but when she checked her freezer there was none. It's the thought that counts isn't it?

I have to do some medium close ups and ultra close ups for my homework, so I thought I'd experiment with the tulips against a black background. This was taken in natural light and I have darkened the background down in the processing stage.

Expecting hungry walkers, L and S, to arrive soon to visit me to eat some of yesterday's cake!

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