
By bananablip


firstly, i should apologise for the shocking quality of this picture, be assured that it does not reflect the loveliness of kristin. my internet was shocking tonight and this is the best i could do.

kristi and i first met kristin when we were introduced to her by some mutual friends. when we first found out that she was a vegetarian, we thought the friendship would be over before it began. but then we realised that meant more steak for us so we instantly became good friends. having these two in my life has been such a blessing. one of my highlights of the last year was heading on a weekend break with k+k and spending the entire time either eating amazing food or biking in the bush. perfect.

somehow i have a reputation for being a little bit anti-american (i'm sorry, but they bring it on themselves). however, kristin was probably the first american that i have absolutely LOVED. maybe it's because she's secretly a brit. she's got a wicked sense of humour and doesn't mind taking the mickey out of herself, two qualities that i very much appreciate!

kristin has such an amazing heart. one thing i have learnt from her is that whatever situation she finds herself in, she always finds the positive and tries to see it as Jesus would. i guess kristin is one of those people that you hope if you spend enough time with, some of that goodness will rub off. she inspires me to be a better me.

i'm so excited about kristin's new job in the states and know she is going to have a great big impact on the women of this world.

(i'm taking a break from my normal blipping routine and from now until i leave i will be posting portraits of the people that i love here in zambia. i might put them all together at the end to make a mammoth picture to hang on my wall, but mostly they will stay here on blip so i can remember these lovely people).

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