2014 more running needed

By Brianporterrun

Somewhere out there......

The house has had a variety of people in and out this afternoon.
Two deliveries of goods ordered online (and much quicker than expected).
A joiner finishing off a small job

And two other joiners plus their boss to put right all the daults with the wardrobes. Yippeeeee!! The fitting saga is over.

In the end they weren't given much choice. I spoke to the store manager yesterday and reminded him that the joiners had to be on site today at 2pm or I would take up residence on one of the sofas in the store :)
When he offered coffee I said not to bother as I'd bring my own flask and sandwiches!!

I've no idea how they sorted it all. I no longer cared: it's done.

But far more exciting and fun was the sight of a hedgehog on our lawn tonight. Ever such a cute little thing but s/he legged it before I could get a blip. Eyes peeled but meanwhile here's a hedgehog's eye view across the lawn.

We've been onto the British hedhehog preservation web site and now have some handy tips on what foods to offer it to help it survive what is left of the winter.

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