
By LadyPride

Snow globe

A super day. Hung out with my little mate and just did hum drum chores and some work at home due to the weather. But we turned each task into a game nonetheless. There's magic in the mundane when you're a baby discovering the world!

Mum cooking? Play drums with the spatula whilst sat in my high chair watching.

Mum putting a load of washing on? Sit in the washing basket and watch the washing go round.

Mum typing on her computer? Spin in the office chair and play with the computer mouse.

Mum cleaning the bathroom? Lie on the rug and be pulled around the bathroom on a magic carpet.

You get the idea.

Audrey was particularly fascinated by the snow falling today (see pic).
To her it must have seemed like she was in her own 'Manchester street-scene' snow globe.

Life as a baby rocks!

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