Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


JR went off to the gym in the morning, though not the early session. I think she’s flagging a bit...

The vet student arrived at 9am to take Archie out. She was rather early for a student, but she had SIX live online lectures starting at 11am! But it was a lovely autumn morning and she enjoyed her walk up the hill (not the Hermitage after the poisoned tennis ball news.)

A friend we haven’t seen for ages phoned to say she’d come round to visit - in the front garden of course, as per Nicola’s decree (which is very sensible, btw). It was so good to catch up, she came last at the beginning of lockdown.

I was feeling quite energetic, and suggested a walk across the Meadows, perchance a coffee... and so we set off. And I had a spring in my step! For some reason, I walked quite fast (for me). And indeed I kept it up, right up the long steep hill (or slight slope to other people) and kept going right into the cafe. Normally I’m struggling up the slope and have to keep stopping. I wonder if it’s these new pills... or maybe it’s all this water I’m drinking... AND I walked home again at speed

We ordered coffees on the phone app and shared a delicious wrap (we’re working our way through all of them). The staff know us now.

We were half way back across the Meadows when I realised I’d left my hat on the chair. JR, bless, went all the way back for it. Archie and I went and sat on a bench and waited for her. When he spotted her far off, he went galloping off to meet her, yelping excitedly.

We met Rufus and his mum on the way home, and they came and sat in the front garden for a while. It all seems so familiar...

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