twinned with trumpton


0430 I was awake, but it still took me until 0545 to get out to fetche the car and was probably nearer 0630 by the time Barry and hound were safely installed and heading north to nab another tick in the long quest to compleat the Munros.

Through misty Perthshire and onto brighter roads past Dalwhinne, we rolled through Spean Bridge and onto dirt traks around 1000 before abandoning the car.

Off in search of Stob Ban and then see if the Grey Corries would follow.

A long 8km walk in on a land rover track, past the Inses (I still can tell which is Cruach and which is Sgurr) and on to the bothy before we even got a look at our quarry. Sun blazing, with minimal wind to keep us cool until the upper reaches of the approach, it was hot work.

A steep / flat / steep combo saw us hit the summit around 1330. I was met 30 seconds after my arrival by a fell runner. He'd started on up Ben Nevis, come on over the Grey Corries and this was his 5th summit of the day. He was string off wistfully out west and muttering about 'just finishing off with the 10 Mamores to round off the day...' We hadn't the strength to carry on to the Grey Corries and we vacantly acknowledged his madness as he trotted off down the slope from whence he'd come.

So off we trotted; retracing our steps, stopping at the bothy on the way out for some cold water (2nd extra) before a 90 minute stumble back to the car.

A glorious evening to be driving back down the A9 but by the time I got in at 11 I was ready for collapsing. I saw about 3 minutes of MOTD before the inevitable. Only 65 more to go.

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