Evening run

I booked today as a day off so that we could carry on moving stuff from Wellington Street to the new house but in the end we couldn't get a van. I thought I'd take the day off regardless as I have a load of things that need doing at home but what were meant to be occasional dips into my email somehow became a day at my desk.

One thing I was determined to do was to get a run in and I did manage that although in the end I didn't get out of the door until seven o'clock. The evenings, as they say, are drawing in, and I realised once I was out that I couldn't have left it any later. 

The #milesforrefugees project has slightly taken over my Blips this month. Here's another 'while I was out running' shot, taken on the path that runs between the rugby club and the Lune.

-10.7 kgs
Reading: 'The Vanishing Half' by Brit Bennett

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