
By Enzotraveldog

A Dog and His Bikes

Here’s the Enzotraveldog team bikes.

To start, I usually like to jog for a couple of km. I do this attached to the retracta-lead thingy, which is in turn attached to the Silverbacks bike. Then I stop and have a drink from my water bottle. Hydration is very important on long bike rides!

After drinks, I hop in the crate of the Sparrow’s bike until we reach the half way point. This often involves coffee and cake for the folks to recharge their energy levels.

Same pattern on the way back, jog then ride. I like to keep my patterns consistent- stops the folks getting confused about what comes next!

Got this pick when the folks stopped for a ‘comfort break’.

HaHa heard that watching La Tour de France. I’d love to get one of those guys pedalling me up the hills! Still, mustn’t grumble! The folks do their best. Bless!

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